How to Safeguard Your Business From Multi-Million-Dollar Lawsuits

How to Safeguard Your Business From Multi-Million-Dollar Lawsuits

How to Safeguard Your Business From Multi-Million-Dollar Lawsuits

Protect your business from costly lawsuits with commercial liability insurance!

Lawsuits have become a part of American culture. They’ve become an everyday occurrence. However, a lawsuit can be detrimental to the survival of your business. From legal fees to medical bills to settlements, lawsuit expenses can add up. That’s where commercial liability insurance comes in. Protect your small business with the liability insurance and check out these common business lawsuits.


Federal law prohibits employers to discriminate against their employees, or anyone with whom they conduct business. In terms of employee discrimination an employer mustn’t discriminate, harass, retaliate, or wrongfully terminate an employee due to a person’s characteristic such as gender, race, religion, age, disability or any other defining characteristic. Additionally, businesses may not discriminate against anyone that the company conducts business with, from vendors to customers to suppliers. Stress the importance of discrimination avoidance to reduce your risk of a lawsuit.

Wage Violations.

It’s important to pay a fair wage to your employees. Federal law, state law, and local law, all weigh in on how you’re required to pay your employees. Avoid any wage law issues and read up on your local laws so that your employees are paid fairly.

Breach of Contract.

Contracts outline an agreement between parties. Once you sign a contract, they’re legally binding agreements. If you fail to meet the terms of the contract, then you could be at risk for a lawsuit. It’s important to stick to your business agreements. If a problem arises, seek legal advice and avoid a breach of contracts. Keep in mind that your liability insurance generally won’t cover lawsuits pertaining to breach of contracts.

Get the commercial liability insurance that you need to protect your business. Contact the insurance professionals at Moser Group Inc. Located in New York, our experienced, knowledgeable staff help you meet all your personal and commercial insurance needs.