Tag: why you need life insurance

09 Feb 2017
Why Life Insurance is a Necessary for Financial Planning

All About Why Life Insurance is a Necessary Component of Your Financial Planning

Find out why life insurance is necessary for your loved ones.

Everyone has financial responsibilities. From mortgages to student loans, it’s important to think about what will happen to your loved ones after you’re gone. Insurance provides the necessary resources to help your family get back on their feet financially. However, spending money on a something that you will never see, may make you question whether life insurance is really necessary. Learn why life insurance is a must in your financial planning.

Taking Care of Debts.

You may not have to worry about your debts after you pass, but your family does. Often, debt is passed on to families, who then become responsible for them. A life insurance policy can help to give your loved ones the finances that they need to tackle your debts.

Paying for End-of-Life Costs.

Life is unpredictable. You may pass suddenly, or you may suffer health complications. Sometimes your loved ones are left with expensive medical bills that must be paid after you’ve passed. Additionally, funeral expenses aren’t cheap. Life insurance can give the necessary funds to help settle all your end-of-life costs.

Giving Your Family Stability.

When you pass, your family likely loses an income. Life insurance can help to offset living expenses until your family can get back on their feet. Choose a policy that can replace your income for at least a year so that your family has the right stability. Additionally, don’t count out non-working spouses. Child care and home maintenance expenses can add up, and life insurance can help to offset these costs.

Give your family the financial protection that they need with the right life insurance. Contact the insurance professionals at Moser Group Inc. Located in New York, our experienced, knowledgeable staff will help you meet all your personal and commercial needs.