Tag: winter driving

15 Dec 2016
Winterization Tips to Get Your Car Ready for Winter

Check Out These Winterization Tips to Get Your Car Ready for Winter

Find out how to get your car ready for winter.

Winter is almost here, which means it’s time to get ready for winter weather. With freezing temperatures and snowy weather, it’s important that you’re prepared for the season ahead. When it comes to your safety on the road, ensure that you’re best prepared for winter. Check out these tips to help you get what you need.

Schedule Regular Maintenance.

When it comes to keeping your car in good condition, it’s important that you schedule regular maintenance. That way you can fix any issues before they get out of hand. Additionally, have your windshield wipers and headlights checked so that your vehicle can handle stormy weather.

Check Your Tires.

In wet, icy weather, it’s important that your tires have enough tread. Before you get settled into the winter months, have your tires checked. Ensure that they have the right air pressure and that there’s plenty of traction to grip the road all season long.

Keep the Gas Tank Half Full.

When it comes to driving in winter weather, it’s important that you always have enough gas to get from point A to point B. Additionally, if you get stranded, you’ll be able to run the engine to stay warm. Plus, a full tank of gas helps to keep your engine running well.

Be Prepared for Emergencies.

You never know what could happen on the road. Keep an emergency kit in your car so that you have access to the tools that you need. From flares, reflective triangles, and jumper cables to blankets, flashlights, and extra water, keep a kit full of the supplies that you need when stranded on the roadside.

Get your vehicle ready for winter so that you can stay safe on the roads. Check out these vehicle winterization tips and invest in the right auto insurance. Contact the insurance professionals at Moser Group Inc. Located in New York, our experienced, knowledgeable staff will help you meet all your personal and commercial needs.